Moroccan Questions for War of 1812 Experts Today's post is an admission of ignorance, prompted by the resurgence of interest in the War of 1812 between Britain and the United States, with its bicentennial commemorations (check the PBS link above, plus this great Navy/Marine/Coast Guard site, "Our Flag Was Still There"). With the resources at hand (8,000 volume library, JSTOR database … Read more Moroccan Questions for War of 1812 Experts

Consul, Wrapped In Flag: Odd Legation Tales

On this Fourth of July, when across the United States, and in those places overseas where Americans meet, the red, white and blue decorates many a barbecue and picnic, we display this gift of Moroccans to Americans, dating back to the late 1950s. American flags haven't flown over the Legation in, what, more than 50 … Read more Consul, Wrapped In Flag: Odd Legation Tales

An American Campus in Tangier

For the past 62 years, there has been an American campus in this city – the American School of Tangier (AST), the first such school in Morocco, offering classes K-12. Now, with the announcement by UNE – Maine's University of New England – of plans to establish a presence at AST, there will be a … Read more An American Campus in Tangier

Buntings on the Balcony

House Bunting (Emberiza sahari), American Legation Tangier (photo by Christiane Delongueville) Last year, when I wrote about "wildlife" in the medina, I neglected a whole class of the animal kingdom: birds.  How could I?  They are by far the most ubiquitous creatures in this mostly treeless part of the city. We're not really bird watchers, … Read more Buntings on the Balcony

Culture, Tourism, and Cultural Tourism

Tangier is home to Morocco's leading institute of higher education in tourism, ISITT, of the Ministry of Tourism.  Now in its 40th year, ISITT has an alumni list of thousands, many of whom have made careers in tourism, Morocco's most important source of foreign exchange. Invited to make a presentation on the Legation at ISITT's … Read more Culture, Tourism, and Cultural Tourism

An American Designs the Moroccan Dream: Bill Willis

The Legation is becoming the venue of choice for book presentations, especially books in English or with a connection to the United States.  We have done several over the past couple of years, and have two scheduled this week.  In partnership with Tangier's premier bookstore Librairie des Colonnes, we feature a book by an American … Read more An American Designs the Moroccan Dream: Bill Willis

On Memorial Day, Reminders of 1942 Allied Landings

This November will mark the 70th anniversary of Operation Torch, when Allied forces converged on North Africa and eventually drove Axis forces from the continent.   US Army Photograph by Sgt. Robert A. Edwards, Signal Corps, week of January 17, 1943. From the papers of OSS officer Gordon Browne, Tangier American Legation   The barely … Read more On Memorial Day, Reminders of 1942 Allied Landings

When the Legation Rocked: Celebrating Peace Corps

  Peace Corps Country Director Richard Holbrooke (arrow), dining at the Tangier American Legation Peace Corps training center in 1971 We are very excited to celebrate 50 years of the Peace Corps Morocco program.   Initial planning and training of the first group occurred in 1962, in advance of the arrival of the first Volunteers in … Read more When the Legation Rocked: Celebrating Peace Corps

Civic Participation: Citizenship 101 in Tangier

April Seminar 2012 TALIM's theme this year – Civic Participation – drew in a range of civic associations, student groups, and academics, both from Morocco and Tunisia.  In the wake of the Arab Spring, the idea was to stress the local, homegrown roots of public participation.  Not in politics, but in the betterment of life … Read more Civic Participation: Citizenship 101 in Tangier

Moroccan Marathons: Runners for a Cause

Note: because they are going to run their heads off for good causes, we're providing space here for some of our friends to share their news on the two upcoming fundraisers in Morocco – next month, the "Marathon des Sables," which takes its participants (victims?) through the desert, and June's "Marathon des Cèdres," which, though … Read more Moroccan Marathons: Runners for a Cause