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يسرنا أن نخبر الباحثين الكرام أن المكتبة مفتوحة بالموعد للاطلاع المحدود على مصادر محددة
للمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى التواصل مع قيمة المكتبة على العنوان الإلكتروني

The collection: The TALIM Research Library is one of the most important libraries specializing on Morocco. It consists of 8,000 works: 40% in English; 30% in French; 10% in Spanish and 5% in Arabic as well as a collection in Portuguese. The library is comprised of: books, theses, monographs, periodicals, microfilm, maps, newspapers, and photographs. Of particular note are: the collection of more than 100 antique maps of the Mediterranean region; a bound newspaper collection covering the period 1884-1960; American consular correspondence with the Department of State (1797-1906); foreign travel accounts (17th to the 19th century); the official bulletin of the Protectorate period (1913-1942); a section on Operation Torch (the Allied landings in North Africa in 1942), and more. The Research Library attracts scholars from North African, the U.S. as well as many other countries from around the world. In Morocco the TALIM Research Library is considered a primary reference library for university faculties in the area. (law, economics, science, literature).
- To request a research appointment, please fill in this form.
- Please become familiar with our library rules before coming to your research appointment.
- Consult our catalog on LibraryThing

Facilities: The library is located in a 3-story building of 18th century origin attached to the Museum. With its central atrium, exposed wood-timbered ceilings, and Moroccan decor, the Research Library is one of the most traditional sections of the Museum. Of special note is the Joseph Verner Reed Library, a handsome set of books, many leather bound, which he collected while serving as ambassador to Morocco in the 1980s and later donated to the Museum. The reading room on the second floor provides an attractive environment for scholars doing research on Morocco. TALIM is a member of JSTOR and offers visiting scholars access to this useful research site.
Affiliations: TALIM is the research center in Morocco of the American Institute for Maghrib Studies – AIMS, and CAORC, the Council of American Overseas Research Centers.
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