Writing on Kingdom Walls: Practices, Narratives and visual politics of graffiti and street art in Jordan and Morocco


Soufiane’s focus is a comparative study on cultural practices and narratives related to art production and its entanglement with resistance and visual politics in North Africa and the Middle East. By working on Morocco and Jordan, he mainly focuses on wall-writings, street art, and graffiti in order to understand what wall expressions do, the extent to which they have a particularly political place in society, and how they relate to socio-political transformations.

Bio statement:

Soufiane Chinig is a first-year PhD student of anthropology in the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies at Freie Universität Berlin. His research in anthropology is on writing and painting on walls in Morocco and Jordan. He also holds an MA in Sociology and Anthropology from Hassan II University in Mohammedia, and a BA in Sociology from Mohammed V University. Alongside his academic work, he is also active in promoting Moroccan cultural heritage and evaluating urban policies in that country.


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