Salaheddine Mezouar – “Le nouveau visage de Tanger.. lutte contre l’amnésie”

Cet épisode a été enregistré le 23 Février 2018, au TALIM, le Tangier American Legation Institut for Moroccan Studies, et présenté dans le cadre du colloque international organisé par l’association Al Boughaz de Tanger, intitulé “Le nouveau visage de Tanger.. lutte contre l’amnésie”.

Read moreSalaheddine Mezouar – “Le nouveau visage de Tanger.. lutte contre l’amnésie”

Samuel Metz: Sub-Saharan Migrant Networks in Tangier

Following up on his presentation at the 2017 Annual Fulbright Symposium, “Spreading Awareness or Stealing Stories? How Sub-Saharan Migrant Networks in Tangier Perceive and Act Toward Outsiders Who Rely on Them for Information,” Tangier-based Fulbright Scholar Sam Metz, of the University of California at Berkeley, spoke with TALIM Director John Davison to share some of his findings following his year in Morocco. Having spent the final months of his fellowship in the peripheral Tangier neighborhood of Masnana, living with migrant communities, Sam offers unique insights into this timely and important theme.

Read moreSamuel Metz: Sub-Saharan Migrant Networks in Tangier

Harland Eastman: The Rescue and Transformation of the Tangier American Legation

Retired U.S. Foreign Service Office Harland Eastman served as Consul-General in Tangier in 1976, the year that the Department of State agreed to allow the Tangier American Legation to be converted into a private museum honoring the historic U.S.-Moroccan friendship. In this podcast, Emily Albrecht of Dartmouth College interviews Mr. Eastman, who recounts the enormous efforts made to restore the Legation in time for the celebrations of the U.S. Bicentennial. Ms. Albrecht’s interviews form part of a series of oral histories she recorded for her senior honors thesis, entitled, “Mapping Memories, Creating History: The Tangier American Legation” (May 2016).

Read moreHarland Eastman: The Rescue and Transformation of the Tangier American Legation

Al-Boughaz Association Colloquium: Tangier’s New Face and the Struggle Against Amnesia

Here’s a nice article from the Spanish language Moroccan news site Info Marruecos on the Al Boughaz Association colloquium that was held at the Legation on February 23 on the theme: “Tangier’s New Face and the Struggle Against Amnesia.” Former Moroccan Foreign Minister (and Tangier native) Salaheddine Mezouar delivered opening remarks at this important event.

قراءة تعريفية عن محمد بن علي الرباطي

  في هذا التسجيل، ماجدة الصمدي تقدم قراءة تعريفية عن محمد بن علي الرباطي  

Michael Collyer: Migrant Subjectivities and Crisis Narratives in the Euro-med Region

In this episode, Professor Michael Collyer, a geographer at the University of Sussex tells us about the different narratives people employ when talking about migration and borders. According to French sociologist Abdelmalek Sayad, immigration policy reveals how a state “thinks of itself,” and a lot can be gleaned about Morocco, Collyer says, through understanding how … Read more Michael Collyer: Migrant Subjectivities and Crisis Narratives in the Euro-med Region

Sarah Ariche Acoustic Concert

سارة عريش مغنية، مؤلفة موسيقية و مديرة كورال، وقد تميزت وسط المشهد الفني في طنجة منذ سنها المبكر بأسلوبها المستوحى من الفولك والكلاسيكية والعربية الأندلسية والروك وموسيقى الجاز من خلال هذا العرض، قدمت سارة شكل جديد من الموسيقى الأندلسية و السفاردية، و قد قدمت أيضا ثلات أغاني من ألبومها الجديد و الذي سيتم خروجه ببداية … Read more Sarah Ariche Acoustic Concert

CAORC Grant Opportunities

CAORC funding opportunities are now available! NEH Senior Research Fellowship Program The CAORC National Endowment for the Humanities Senior Research Fellowship Program supports advanced research in the humanities for US postdoctoral scholars, and foreign national postdoctoral scholars who have been residents in the US for three or more years. Fellowship stipends are $4,200 per month … Read more CAORC Grant Opportunities

Poetry Slam Evening: w/ Noussayba Lahlou & Moniem El Boudiabi

On September 30st, TALIM hosted both Noussayba LAHLOU and Moniem EL BOUDIABI. بقلم مؤنث و جد مؤثر، نسيبة لحلو من الشخصيات الاكثر إشعاعا في شعر الشارع النسائي بالمغرب. بإلقائها كتاباتها باللغة الفرنسية، إستطاعت أن تصل إلى جمهور واسع و متنوع، مغاربة و اجانب، من مختلف طبقات المجتمع. بلغة بسيطة لا تبتعد قط من الثقافة المغربية، … Read more Poetry Slam Evening: w/ Noussayba Lahlou & Moniem El Boudiabi

2017 Youmein Creative Media Festival Panel discussion

Presented by Borderline Theatre Project and the American Language Center in Tangier, the 2017 Youmein Creative Media Festival was a co-production with DABATEATR, in partnership with the Tangier-American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM), TechnoPark Tanger, Association Tanger Région Action Culturelle (ATRAC), and Think Tanger.

In its third edition, the Youmein Creative Media Festival took up the theme “imitation” or, in Arabic, “taqlid”.  Reflecting on the question, “how do cultures and society change, if not by imitation?” and [laying on the Arabic “taqlid” (imitation) and its plural form “taqalid,” (traditions) many pieces in the festival explored the relationships between imitation and tradition, cultural borrowing and modernity, and mechanical reproduction.

Read more2017 Youmein Creative Media Festival Panel discussion