Arabs Studying America

To be precise, it's actually Moroccans studying the Moroccan-American relationship, through history, in the present, and into the future.  That's what the Morocan American Studies Lab is about, part of the Faculty of Letters and Humanities at Hassan II University, Casablanca (Ben M'Sik).   Students & Faculty of the Moroccan American Studies Lab Ben M'Sik … Read more Arabs Studying America

The Andalusian-Maghrebi Cultural Bridge

  The village of Gaucín    Ronda A week spent on the Andalusian coast, looking south, meant that Morocco was never out of sight.  So too it seemed further inland, where the whitewashed hilltop villages look much like they must have looked before the Moors were expelled from Spain half a millenium ago. Based in … Read more The Andalusian-Maghrebi Cultural Bridge

Clinton: Tangier Legation Symbolizes Centuries-old US-Morocco Ties

  Tangier American Legation chimney spanning Rue d'Amérique, seen from the Arab Pavilion Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new American Embassy in Rabat, Morocco on Sunday February 26.  In her remarks she noted that   our relationship stretches back more than two centuries. Sultan Mohammad III became the … Read more Clinton: Tangier Legation Symbolizes Centuries-old US-Morocco Ties

UPM, UMA: Mediterranean Dialogues, Post-Arab Spring

  That white sea in the middle, as the Med is known in Arabic, has for millenia been the scene of strategic juggling.  So it was particularly helpful to have as erudite an analyst as Dr. Bichara Khader of Belgium's UCL (Université Catholique de Louvain) as the latest speaker at Tangier HEM's Université Citoyenne.  Khader, … Read more UPM, UMA: Mediterranean Dialogues, Post-Arab Spring

Scenic View of Europe’s Market: Renault in Tangier

  Tangier, the Strait, Spain & Gibraltar   This week saw the grand opening of Renault's massive Tangier factory, inaugurated by King Mohammed VI of Morocco.  His Majesty went on to cut ribbons on other Tangier infrastructure projects, including the new Tanger-Med petroleum port.  Tangier, Boom Town. Photo courtesy Renault.   As Time Magazine's "Global … Read more Scenic View of Europe’s Market: Renault in Tangier

Midnight Spotlight: Paul Bowles Returns to Moroccan Airwaves

  As a very nice spinoff from last week's Radio Tangier interview, tonight Thursday 9 February will feature a special two-hour Paul Bowles program, midnight – 2:00 AM (Morocco time or GMT; this would be 7:00 to 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time). Listeners across the world can tune into Moroccan National Radio Alidaa-Watania and/or Radio … Read more Midnight Spotlight: Paul Bowles Returns to Moroccan Airwaves

A Proverb A Day To Keep Corruption Away

    The old adage about prevention being the best cure can clearly be applied beyond the healthy diet. In the case of Transparency Maroc, it's the very title of their book.  The Morocco branch of the anti-corruption NGO Transparency International – Morocco appears to be the only Maghreb country with such an independent watchdog … Read more A Proverb A Day To Keep Corruption Away

This Is Radio Tangier, Calling the World

  The radio audience thought that it was a chance to learn about TALIM and the programs of the American Legation in Tangier. Yes, my interview (stay tuned for podcast, though it will be in a mix of Arabic and French) on Radio Tangier was that.  But for me, it was a discovery of another … Read more This Is Radio Tangier, Calling the World

The 1952 Tangier Spring

    "… are standing by in case they are needed in Tangier." Thanks to Trove, the "Digitised Newspapers and More" service of the National Library of Australia, we find the above clipping from the 05 April 1952 Sydney Morning Herald.  From what I can determine, those "British troops at Gibraltar" were not in fact … Read more The 1952 Tangier Spring

1992-2012, Algeria-Morocco: Political Islam(s)

  On a January night 20 years ago this month, tanks were rolling down the Avenue de A.L.N in Oran.  At first I was simply concerned that they would knock down our venerable building by mistake when one of them stopped to make a U-turn in front of the American Consulate, where we lived. Then … Read more 1992-2012, Algeria-Morocco: Political Islam(s)